Use Typescript Type-Level Recursion to Build a query string parser

- 3 min read

In this blog post, we'll continue our journey through building a naive query string parser using type-level programming in TypeScript.

If you haven’t checked out Part 1 of this video series or readed the article, make sure to watch it before continuing, as we’ll build on the concepts introduced there.

So, without further ado, let’s dive in.

Extracting Key-Value Pairs


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Our next step, after extracting the query string from a URL, is to transform the literal string into an object, like this:

  query: "123",
  user: "21",
  test: "some-string"

To do this, we first need to extract the key-value pairs from the query string. As we learned in the previous video, when working with type-level programming in TypeScript, we can use pattern matching along with the infer keyword inside a conditional type to extract information from data.

Let’s create a new type to extract key-value pairs:

type ExtractKeyValue<S> = S extends `${K}=${V}&${Rest}` ? K | ExtractKeyValue<Rest> : S extends `${K}=${V}` ? K : false;

In this type, S is the generic parameter that holds the query string. The conditional type checks whether S matches the pattern of ${K}=${V}&${Rest} and extracts the key K if it does. Otherwise, it returns false.

Now, let’s create a type to test our ExtractKeyValue utility:

type TestExtractKeyValue = ExtractKeyValue<"query=123&user=21&test=someString">;

This type should now hold the first key-value pair, which is query=123.

Looping Over the Data with Recursion

To extract the rest of the key-value pairs, we need to loop over the data. As TypeScript doesn’t support loops in its type-level programming, we have to rely on recursion. Let’s update our ExtractKeyValue type to extract all key-value pairs:

type ExtractKeyValue<S> = S extends `${K}=${V}&${Rest}` ? K | ExtractKeyValue<Rest> : S extends `${K}=${V}` ? K : S;

Now, our TestExtractKeyValue type should return a union type of all the key-value pairs:

type TestExtractKeyValue = ExtractKeyValue<"query=123&user=21&test=someString">;

With this setup, our type will continue to recurse until it encounters an S that doesn’t match the pattern, at which point it will return the original S. This is how we’ve successfully implemented loop functionality using recursion in TypeScript’s type-level programming.

What’s Next?

We’ve come quite far in our journey to build a naive query string parser. In this part, we’ve added the ability to extract key-value pairs from a query string and explored recursion as a way to loop over the data.

In the upcoming video, we’ll check how to transform the union type we’ve obtained into an object type and complete our query string parser at the type level.

Let us know in the comments if you’re using these TypeScript features in your day-to-day work, and don’t forget to like this post and subscribe to stay updated on future content.

Stay tuned for the next part, and happy coding!

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