Handling Forms with Vanilla Javascript

- 3 min read

Ever wondered how to handle a form using vanilla JavaScript? You’re in the right place! In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the process of handling a simple form with two input fields and a submit button using vanilla JavaScript. We’ll show you how to select a form element, add an event listener, create a callback function, and access form data.

The HTML Form

First, let’s look at a simple HTML form with two inputs and a submit button. Each input field should have a name attribute.

<form id="my-form">
	<input type="text" name="name" placeholder="Name" />
	<input type="email" name="email" placeholder="Email" />
	<button type="submit">Submit</button>


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Selecting the Form Element

To manipulate the form with JavaScript, we need to grab the form element from the DOM using document.getElementById().

const form = document.getElementById("my-form");

Adding an Event Listener

Now we need to add an event listener to the form element. We’ll use the addEventListener() function, which takes two arguments: the event name and a callback function. In this case, the event name will be “submit”.

form.addEventListener("submit", onFormSubmit);

Creating the Callback Function

Next, let’s create the onFormSubmit callback function that will be executed when the form is submitted. This function will receive an event object as an argument.

function onFormSubmit(event) {
	// Your form handling code here
function onFormSubmit(event) {
	// Your form handling code here

Accessing Form Data

With the callback function in place, we can now access the submitted form data. To do this, create a new FormData object and pass the form element (available in the event object as event.target) as an argument.

function onFormSubmit(event) {
	const data = new FormData(event.target);

Now, we have access to the form data, but it’s not quite ready to be displayed or used in our code. We need to retrieve the individual form values to access this data.

Using Object.fromEntries()

One way to do this is to use the Object.fromEntries() method to transform the entries of the FormData object into a plain JavaScript object.

function onFormSubmit(event) {
	const data = new FormData(event.target);
	const dataObject = Object.fromEntries(data.entries());

Here, dataObject will be an object containing the form values, where the keys are the input field names, and the values are the submitted user data.

Traversing FormData with forEach()

Alternatively, we can traverse the FormData object using a forEach loop. This allows us to retrieve the values and perform actions such as console logging them.

function onFormSubmit(event) {
	const data = new FormData(event.target);
	data.forEach((value, key) => {
		console.log(`${key}: ${value}`);

Accessing Form Data by Name


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If you know the names of the input fields in the form, you can simply use the get() method on the FormData object to access the values directly.

function onFormSubmit(event) {
	const data = new FormData(event.target);
	const name = data.get("name");
	const email = data.get("email");
	console.log(`Name: ${name}, Email: ${email}`);

And there you have it! This is how you can handle a form with vanilla JavaScript. By following these steps, you can easily manipulate form data in your projects without relying on additional libraries. Happy coding!

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